Recommended products
In our online store you can find a wide range of Kangoo Jumps boots, as well as a wide range of accessories and components.
Become an instructor
Do you want to become an international KANGOO JUMPS INSTRUCTOR? Discover our programs and contact us to find out when the next Kangoo Jumps course will be organized.
Kangoo Power
Kangoo Power is an explosive, highly motivating program, specifically designed to challenge the whole body by building muscular strength and cardio-respiratory endurance simultaneously.
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Kangoo Dance
Kangoo Dance is a safe, energetic, fun and motivating aerobics program for any age and fitness level. The program is functional and teaches participants effective jumping techniques for increased joy while preventing accidents caused by bio-mechanical stress.
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Kangoo Boot Camp
Kangoo Boot Camp is a military-style training program for fitness instructors in breaks and personal trainers. It can be organized for one person, two or twenty.
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Kangoo Discovery
The Kangoo Discovery program was developed especially for young people of all ages over 5 years. The classes are designed to develop coordination, endurance, good body posture and a positive self-image.
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Kangoo Jumps Instructors
Are you searching for a gym where you can practice Kangoo Jumps? Acces the link bellow and please choose the county you wish and contact the instructor who is the closest to you!
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