Return policy

If you are not happy with the products purchased, you can return them and we will return the countervalue of your products. Romanian legislation states: “The consumer has the right to notify the commerciant in written form, that he/she relinquishes from the purchase, without penalisation, and from receiving the product.” (Gouvern Enactment nr. 130/2000). Our clients can return the purchased products, in the original package without usage signs or contamination, in 14 days from the date shipped, without penalities, and without invocation of any reason, this return announced in advance, ONLY IN WRITTEN FORM, on the email address from the contact page with the mention of the order number, full name, and your address, like the code of the product, which you wish to return. Requests issued on telephone, or other platforms (ie. Messenger). You can opt for the return of the countervalue of the products or for acquisition of other products on our shop.

The return of the products will be done supported by the client, using your national Post Office. After the package’s collection and if the return conditions are met (no smudge, no stink, sign of usage etc.), our firm will return the countervalue of the order in maximum 30 days, after the goods were returned.

Don’t ship the goods with c.o.d.. this will be refused without any ulterior notification. Any return, which does not respect the conditions above will be refused. If the transport fees were included in the product’s price, these will be reduced from the price returned to the client, based on the receipt with the expedition costs. The sum returned for the client does not include the transport fees and the c.o.d. . The consumer (client) has the right to inform the commerciant in a written form, that he or she cancels the purchase, without penalties, if the motives are alleged (and proven with photo), is related to the execution quality and/or ti the used materials, other than in the description, noncoforminig sizing with the ones in the description and the product presentation. Invocation of a motive, in a term of 5 calendaristic days from the date the product was handed over.

Complaints will be received on our firm’s contact address, see the contact page with the address, phone and email.

The consumer has the right to relinquish from the purchase in the below situations:
– The product is deteriorated or defect
– You received an another product like you order
– Difference between the product’s image on the shop, and the one you received is evident, and it can be proven (color difference included with the exception of a shade difference).

Wit all this, accordint to the Terms of Use of this site, all the pictures are only for informative nature, allthrough their role is the reflect as correctly as possible the product, which you will receive. For the motives shown above, you have two options: We will exchange your deteriorated product, in which situation you don’t have to support the countervalue of the transport.


If you would like to return a product, please fill out the form below.

    It does not fit the sizeThe product is defectiveI received another product

    Return the productChange the product

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